5 Remote Job Sectors That Are Booming in 2024 – Goats On The Road

Working remotely has become increasingly common. After the global pandemic, many jobs moved online and simply stayed there. For others, working online has been a way of life for years. Regardless, the industry is constantly evolving and changing, and it’s important to stay tuned.

As many people have turned to working online, the job search can seem oversaturated and overwhelming. That’s why I recommend venturing into these industries if you’re looking for remote work or a change of direction.

5 remote job sectors that are booming in 2024

digital nomad in a tropical location working from a laptop with palm trees in the background

Remote work goes way beyond graphic design and coding (although both of those titles are amazing and always in demand). These are the 5 remote work industries showing exciting growth in 2024, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

1. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity image of laptop with password protectionCybersecurity image of laptop with password protection

Cybersecurity has become a robust industry as businesses and governments prioritize protecting data and systems from cyber threats. The demand for professionals who can protect sensitive information from cyberattacks is higher than ever.

Positions such as cybersecurity analyst and security architect are in high demand and involve skills such as vulnerability assessment and security system development/testing. If you have a knack for details and problem solving, this could be your jam.

To get started in cybersecurity, you’ll likely need a background in computer science, computer science, or even cybersecurity itself. You can also earn certifications like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or CompTIA Security+ to help you get started or give you an edge.

2. Telehealth

stethoscope and laptop with a healthcare professional in the backgroundstethoscope and laptop with a healthcare professional in the background

Telehealth has seriously transformed the healthcare landscape in recent years. By allowing patients to meet healthcare providers remotely, the industry continues to grow. Not only does this make healthcare more accessible, but it creates more and more job opportunities for those looking for remote work.

Professionals in the telehealth industry include virtual care coordinators, telehealth nurses, health information specialists and more. Managing everything from patient data to virtual consultations in real-time, it’s an exciting sector full of opportunity.

Getting into the telehealth industry varies depending on the type of position you are seeking. Naturally, with more clinical credentials, medical licenses and certifications are required. However, for other technology-oriented titles, you can earn certifications or secure positions with a background in computer science.

3. Software Development

write code at a home officewrite code at a home office

Creating, managing, and maintaining software applications is absolutely crucial to the day-to-day running of businesses and, honestly, to our lives. This is where the software development industry comes in. This is probably one of the most “abundant” industries in terms of potential opportunities.

Roles like Mobile App Developer, Full-Stack Developer, or DevOps Engineer are constantly in demand. You will write code, develop software solutions, and manage/maintain the software during its lifecycle.

Many people in the software development industry have a background in computer science or software engineering; However, this kind of experience is not necessary to get your foot in the door. You can take online courses and build a strong portfolio to help you land a job.

4. Digital Marketing

multiple screens displaying digital marketing strategies on mobile and desktop at homemultiple screens displaying digital marketing strategies on mobile and desktop at home

I have been working remotely full-time for 7 years and have spent most of my time in the digital marketing field. This growing industry aims to help brands/businesses grow by marketing through digital channels – think social media, websites and emails.

Common titles you will find are SEO/SEM Expert, Digital Marketing Specialist, Content Strategist and others. Their goal is to create strategies that increase brand visibility and engage with consumers (current and potential) on a digital platform.

Degrees in marketing or communications will certainly help you in this industry, but they are not required. Many people have found success by taking courses, earning certifications, and even running social media accounts or starting a blog.

5. Online Education

when logging into an online learning site via laptop, the screen displays an image of a graduate hatwhen logging into an online learning site via laptop, the screen displays an image of a graduate hat

Education is another sector that has radically evolved into the digital world. Online education, or e-learning, provides access to education for people of all ages around the world. From kindergarten to high school, college degrees and professional development, thousands of people want to expand their knowledge base.

By becoming an online learning developer, instructional designer, or online tutor, you can help facilitate online learning, design and develop courses, or even create educational content.

Again, this is an industry with varying requirements depending on the position you are seeking. Ranging from education background to programming skills, prerequisites will depend on the title.

In conclusion

Each of these industries has an exciting future and they are all paths to success and growth. Whether you’re taking the first steps in your career or considering a complete career change, you can feel good about getting your foot in the door.

Personally, I find it reassuring to know that more and more remote positions are being created in various fields. It allows people to go out and find their true passions while allowing for a perfect work-life balance.
